Does Your Data Center Have the Power to Power AI?

According to McKinsey, generative AI’s effect on productivity could increase the global economy by trillions of dollars, boosting AI’s overall impact by 15 to 40 percent. Given the amount of revenue at stake and the amount of compute necessary to perform AI, the question that many C-level executives and boards of directors are now asking is whether their data center is capable of enabling their AI initiatives to succeed. Those who collocate their servers at DataVerge can provide a resounding “yes” to that question.

Here’s why: While lack of power impedes many area data centers, our Brooklyn flagship interconnection facility has over 1 MW of power. We also have more than 50,000 sq. feet of customizable data center space available for lease. These are not speculative amounts of power and space for sometime in the future; they are available right now for those who need them. Furthermore, DataVerge provides secure IT infrastructure at the largest interconnection facility in Brooklyn, New York, and offers quick deployment and access to 30+ carriers with 24/7 support. 

Who will benefit?

Many industries with a strong presence in the New York metropolitan area stand to benefit from generative AI and automation. They include banking, retail, high tech and life sciences. For instance, McKinsey estimates that through full implementation the bank sector could gain the equivalent of an additional $200 billion to $340 billion per year. The consultancy also estimates that retail and consumer packaged goods could see $400 billion to $660 billion a year.

McKinsey in 2017 estimated that workers spend 50% of their time on activities that could be automated by adapting existing technology. Technological advancements since then have led the management consulting firm to revise that estimate, with 60-70% of workers’ time having the potential for automation. The consultancy also states that AI adoption is likely to occur fastest in developed countries, where higher wages make the technology economically feasible. 

While in the past, AI benefited activities such as spotting defects in manufacturing. Generative AI, however, could benefit knowledge work. This includes activities where decision making and collaboration are required. One example of how generative AI provides benefits is software development. A study conducted earlier this year found that software developers using Microsoft’s GitHub Copilot finished their tasks 56% faster than those not using the tool. 

The need for power

One thing that has become clear in developing and using AI is that it requires uninterrupted power and connectivity as well as high performance and proximity to avoid latency issues. These factors help ensure that AI algorithms execute properly. When latency disrupts algorithms, it lowers inference times and reduces overall system efficiency. For AI, these delays can significantly affect real-time interaction in decision-making applications. The same holds true for data access. If a data center is unable to ensure immediate access and prevent bottlenecks, AI workloads are unable to proceed. 

As mentioned earlier, and worth repeating, the DataVerge interconnection facility in Brooklyn offers: 

  • Over 1 MW of power for AI 
  • Nearby proximity and the infrastructure necessary for AI
  • More than 50,000 sq. feet of customizable data center space available for lease

Helping you on your AI journey

With AI development set to provide a real competitive difference in the near future, those businesses that plan and move ahead will be positioned to take advantage of those benefits and opportunities. Come meet with our experts and tour our interconnected data center. We are ready to help you move your AI initiatives forward.