Your Network Growth Partner in Brooklyn
The only carrier-neutral Meet-Me Room & Carrier Hotel in Brooklyn
Located at Industry City
DataVerge provides direct access to Carriers, CDNs, and ISPs to make Brooklyn a part of your core network infrastructure.
We offer the only carrier-neural, Meet-Me Room (MMR) within the only Carrier Hotel located in the heart of Brooklyn.

Growing and Thriving in Brooklyn
With direct access to dark fiber, metro, and long haul transport providers, DataVerge offers an unbeatable interconnection advantage.
Our carrier-neutral position makes us an ideal ecosystem partner in the fastest growing region in the NYC area.
Indeed, Brooklyn is NYC’s largest and fastest growing borough, and if Brooklyn were a city, it would be considered the 4th largest in the country. Brooklyn’s economy is stronger than ever, with almost 170,000 thriving businesses.
In Great Company:
Meet our Rich & Fast-growing Carrier Ecosystem
Direct connection options to over 30 carriers and network providers give you optimal performance with control. Rely on our high-quality, low-latency, reliable interconnection.
Top 3 Reasons Carriers & Enterprises Trust DataVerge
- The most interconnected ecosystem underpinning Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island
- Brooklyn’s only carrier-neutral Meet-Me Room for network operators
- The connectivity provider for Industry City, the largest coworking campus, home of over 550 companies
Connect with DataVerge
The Only Carrier-Neutral Interconnection Facility in Brooklyn