Backup & Disaster Recovery Services
Reliable Backup and Disaster Recovery
Options & services for organizations of all sizes
DataVerge offers a range of solutions, tailored to the backup and disaster recovery needs of modern enterprise IT teams.
Our goal is to ensure your business remains operational following an unexpected event that may damage or destroy your data, software and hardware systems.

Close Proximity to Your New York and New Jersey Core Data Centers
Our New Jersey data center is used by enterprise IT teams to recover and restore their technology infrastructure and operations when their primary data centers, located between New York and New Jersey, become unavailable.
Wide Range of Backup and Disaster Recovery Options
The Jersey center is here for organizations looking to run their data and systems in the event of a disaster. Our solutions are tailored to your Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) goals.
Operating as a hot and a warm site, on a separate power grid from our Brooklyn carrier-neutral interconnection facility, our New Jersey data center is used by enterprise IT teams to recover and restore data, applications & infrastructure operations when their primary data centers become unavailable.
- Reliable replication and backup of data in a vendor- & hardware-specified fashion
- Virtualization-aware data backup solutions
- Backups for physical and virtual servers and databases
- Backups for Microsoft Office and Google Workspace environments
Managed Backup & Disaster Recovery Services

Every minute your business is not operational directly impacts your bottom line. Leveraging proven enterprise backup and recovery solutions, such as Veeam, DataVerge offers a range of managed backup services for enterprise IT teams who don’t have the personnel.
Our engineers help you develop a tailored backup and disaster recovery plan to avoid downtime and minimize the impact of disruption to your business should disasters strike.
All plans account for data backup, safeguarding and service restoration of data & services.
We help you identify your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
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The Only Carrier-Neutral Interconnection Facility in Brooklyn